
Manually Creating an MSDE or SQL ODBC Database Connection


In some situations you may need to manually create a database connection to your MSDE or SQL Database. This guide goes over setting up and troubleshooting an ODBC connection for Print Manager Plus.


Manually configuring a SQL/MSDE ODBC connection can be done from ‘Data Sources (ODBC)’ within Administrative Tools. Once Data Sources has been opened, browse to the SystemDSN tab. Within this tab you may have an existing connection labeled ‘PrintManagerPlus’, if so remove it to make room for your new connection. Then follow these steps for creating a SQL/MSDE database connection.

1. Find and locate your Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) option for your computer please follow the below instructions.

32bit Servers/Workstations: Go to START> Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Click on Data Sources (ODBC)

64bit Servers/Workstations: Go to START> RUN or Search program and files and type in the following - C:Windows/SysWOW64/odbcad32.exe (this will launch the 32bit version of ODBC which Print Manager Plus requires) and select OK or hitEnter.

2. To add the new “PrintManagerPlus,” DSN entry, make sure you are on the System DNS Tab, Click “Add” then Select the “SQL Server” Driver.

3. The Microsoft SQL Server Configuration Wizard will launch.

4. In the next screen, put the Name as "PrintManagerPlus" exactly with no spaces and capitals as shown. You can put whatever name inDescription you would like. In the Server, select the server you installed your database on from the dropdown list. By default, the Print Manager database is in the (local)/PMP instance (this is applicable if an SQL Express install was done from our installer) or type in ServernamePMP if you have a dedicated SQL server. So usually you will want to put in serverPMP in the dropdown list. Click Next.

5. In the next screen, keep the authentication and other settings and settings as they are set by default. Click Next.

6. In the next screen, select the check box to “Change the default database to:” and from the dropdown list, select PrintManager. Leave the other settings as default. Click next.

7. Leave all settings as default on the final screen and click Finish. A new screen will pop-up with your settings and the option to Test Data Source… Click the Test Data Source Button. Your database should test should say"TESTS COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY!". Then Click on OKtwice for the test dialog boxes and then Finish and then OK to close the ODBC Data Source Administrator.

If test fails in anyway, please go to Troubleshooting at the bottom of this FAQ to troubleshoot your ODBC connection.





Troubleshooting ODBC Connection Issues:
 Network permissions and configuration are beyond the scope of support for Print Manager Plus. The steps and instructions here are to provide a helpful guide or frame of reference as to what the most common problems and solutions are in dealing with ODBC connection issues.

Permission errors and indicators:
The most common problem in creating ODBC connections is permissions. The following error or errors like them usually indicate that permissions are not configured correctly:

Anything with the wording: “SQL Server does not exist or access denied” indicates a permissions issue.

Since SQL has it’s own permission system, there are several things that can cause you to not be able to access the database. Firstly you can try creating the ODBC connection while logged in as a Domain Administrator. If that does not work, make sure you have explicit read/write permissions within the SQL database.

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