
APM and Drag and Drop fail to function.


When using Windows XP, a security function called File Protection is enabled by default preventing management of print jobs. This can result in the Print Queue Manager reporting catastrophic failures, APM not functioning and print jobs not printing.


1. Ensure you have version or later of Print Queue Manager.

2. Open your Registry with Regedit

3. Browse to your: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Print/Printers Key

4. Expand it and locate the Printers you wish to use APM and/or Drag and Drop Features with.

5. Expand that printer key, locate and edit the string value named "SpoolDirectory"

6. Put in the location of your spool directory. *Windows default is C:/WINDOWS/system32/spool/PRINTERS

7. Reboot your Print server (In most cases, restarting the Print Spooler and Print Queue Manager Service will work)

If the above did not resolve the issue, please send a support request via our ticket system Print Manager Ticketing System.

Or send for support an e-mail to

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