Installing Track-GreenSaver with the default option of [Local Microsoft SQL Express Database Engine] fails due to a download or installation failure when installing the SQL components.
Error Message:
SQL Server Express 2005 SP4 mandatory prerequisite was not correctly installed.
Occurs when choosing Local Microsoft SQL Express:
Windows Server 2008R2, 2012, 2012R2, Windows 7 and Windows 8:
Please refer to our article on installing SQL 2008 Express on those systems.
Manually Installing SQL 2008 R2 Express on Windows Server 2008R2, 2012, 2012R2 and Windows Workstation 7 / 8.x
Causes and Solutions:
While the Track-GreenSaver installer makes the best attempt possible to automatically download, and install Microsoft's SQL Express; on occasion unexpected issues arise.
Manually downloading and installing SQL Express will typically either:
- Install successfully and allow the installation of Track-GreenSaver to complete.
- Provide more detailed information on what system conditions are preventing SQL Express from installing.
Downloading SQL 2005 Express:
The Latest SQL 2005 Express, with Service Pack 4 Released 12/17/2010 can be downloaded here:
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Service Pack 4
Upon clicking Download, you may be prompted to choose a specific package. Choosing the package labeled SQLEXPR.EXE. This is Microsoft's any CPU package that can be installed on 32 or 64 bit systems.
Installing SQL Express:
After download, follow the following steps to install SQL Express.
- License Agreement and Prerequisite Installation:
Launch the install, accept license terms and start the prerequisites setup.
- Welcome and Configuration Check
The Microsoft SQL Server Installation Wizard will start. After clicking [Next] the installer will perform a System Configuration Check.
Any errors or warnings here may help indicate the reason Microsoft SQL Install failed. - Registration Information:
On the next screen, it is vital to uncheck the box labeled [Hide Aadvanced configuration options] and click [Next]. - Feature Selection:
The required components for use with Track-GreenSaver are:
Database Services > Data Files
Database Services > Shared Tools
No other components are required, or recommended. This should be the default configuration. - Instance Name:
This must be set to "PMP". Any other name and Track-GreenSaver install will not be able to recognize it as its own instance. - Service Account:
This will typically be one of the below options. Best practice is to leave all options as their Default Values.
Domain Controllers: Local System
Domain Members: Network Service
Workgroup Members: Network Service - Authentication Mode:
The default of [Windows Authentication Mode] is recommended. - Collation Settings:
Default collation settings for your region are recommended. - Configuration Options:
It is recommended to check [Add user to the SQL Server Administrator role]. This will add the user account you are logged in as, to be a full Administrator of SQL.
Enable user interfaces can be checked or unchecked. - Error and Usage Report Settings:
These options have no impact on Track-GreenSaver, and are up to you.
- Finalizing the Installation:
The installation will now run, and typically take several minutes.
Enabling Network Protocols
By default Microsoft SQL Express does not allow any network connections using protocols such as Named Pipes and TCP/IP. For connection reliability, and interaction with additional Servers and Workstations, these need to be enabled with these steps.
- Launch SQL Server Configuration Manager:
This tool will now be installed, and accessible within your start menu at the following path:
Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 > Configuration Tools
- Locate the "PMP" Instance:
Within the Configuration Manager, expand [SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration] and then select [Protocols for PMP]
Named Pipes and TCP/IP will be Disabled - Enable TCP/IP and Named Pipes:
Right click on both TCP/IP and Named Pipes and choose [Enable] - Restart SQL Server (PMP) Service:
Still within the Configuration Manager, browse to SQL Server 2005 Services, and locate the service named "SQL Server (PMP)".
Right click and [Restart] the service. Once restarted you can continue to the next section.
Resuming the Track-GreenSaver Installation
Now that a SQL Instance for Track-GreenSaver has been installed, you can restart the Track-GreenSaver installation.
Database Location:
At this screen go ahead and select the [Local Microsoft SQL Express Database Engine] option.
It will use the SQL Express instance you just installed, rather than attempting to download and install a new one.
Advanced - Install and Configure SQL Instance By Command Line
The installed SQL Express, can also be installed by command line. The command line the native installer uses is listed below.
However, this will not report a failure reason in the event the installation is unsuccessful.