
How to move your Print Manager Plus install and database to a new server.

Applies To:

This Article applies to Print Manager Plus 9.0.

Preface: This document applies to Print Manager Plus installations using the default SQL Express database that is provided with the product. These steps may not apply to setups where a remote database or shared database is being used. In those cases, please consult your DBA on the best practice for moving your database as this is beyond the scope of this document.


A. Ensure the old and new PMP install is the same version.

B. Take note of the "Print Manager Tracking" service logon username and password.

C. Ensure all Microsoft updates are complete on the new server and it is named and attached to your domain.

D. Ensure IIS is installed and minimum .Net 4.6.2

E. Backup your current Print Manager database.

SQL Backup FAQ:



1. Upgrade Current Install to the Newest version:
Since the Print Manager Plus database structure can vary between versions, it is important that when moving the database, the source version of Print Manager Plus is the same as the one being installed. The easiest way to do this is to upgrade to the newest version first. Your installation includes and installs SQL Express 2019.

Method 1: eUpdate
The easiest way to update is by using the eUpdate system to upgrade to the newest. This can be done within File > Check for Updates.

Method 2: Obtain a full/upgrade installer from support.
If you need the latest install files please send an e-mail to with your company name and License Key.

2. Install Print Manager Plus on your new server:
Install the newest version of Print Manager Plus on your new server. You can use your existing key, but note that only one installation of PMP will operate per license.

Installation FAQ:

Notes during installation:

a. You will need to choose the default Primary Installation option when installing on your new server:


b. Finish the install and restart the print server.

3. Copy the original database files from the old server to the new one:

a. On the original Print Manager Plus server, stop the SQL Service:

b. Now copy your SQL database files from the old server. These are typically stored by default at:

C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL.1MSSQL/Data

They are named: PrintManager90.mdf and PrintManager90_log.ldf


c. Stop the SQL service on the new server.

d. Replace your database files on the new server with the files from your old server. They should be already named the exact same on both systems.

e. Start the SQL service on your new install.

f. Restart the Print Manager Plus Service and Program on your new server.

Note: Once the move is complete turn off the "Print Manager Plus" tracking service and "SQL Server (PMP)" service on the OLD server.


Make the New Server the "Primary Print Server" if the name of the new server has changed.


A. Take note of the "Print Manager Tracking" service logon username and password.

1. Uninstall Print Manager Plus.

2. Reboot the server.

3. Install Print Manager Plus. Instead of selecting a new server install when asked, Select "Existing database" and select the local data PMP and click load database and click Next.

4. Add the Domain/Username and Password.

5. On the next screen Demote the old server name and make the New server the Primary Print Server.

6. Click Next to install and Finish.

7. Reboot the server when prompted.



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