
How can I prioritize automatic Quota Balances on Users, Groups and OUs?

When you initially set a Group quota you can give that Group a priority. The priority determines what quota balance will initially be given to that user. There are four options for prioritizing what quota your Users will be given.

Membership Options are a global setting. You must choose if you are setting a balance on a Groups(s) or an OU(s). You cannot set a balance on both a Group and OU.

Priority Option:

To set a priority first edit a User Group and click on the Option Import Settings on the left panel. The number denotes a lowest (priority quota) to a higher number.

Membership Options:

Now click on the Membership Options button and here we will find more options to prioritize quotas and set more import options.

You can see by this graphic you have 3 new options that you can set on what method will be used to determine what a Users quota balance will be.

Refresh Options:

Below these settings you will see Refresh Options. Here you can choose what occurs when a User prints for the first time or just keep the balance the same when a Users Group changes or OU changes.

Then below Refresh Options you can see where new Users will get there new balance. Currently this is selected as Primary Group, but can be changed to an OU if only setting Quotas on an OU.


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