
Defining and Understanding the functionality and menu selections on History in the Web Portal.

Print Manager Plus History allows you to create an online data profile for export to a .CSV or Excel file of all printing data right from the database.

It also allows you to Retract or Change Billing of print jobs from the database and credit back any balance to the user or Account. Here is a graphic and definitions for each selection and function of the History page.

1. Date Selection – This drop down menu allows you to pick custom dates or choose a preset timeframe.

2. Color – This function allows you to filter the report by only print jobs that have Color or B/W or both.

3. Columns - This drop down will allow you to select what fields out of the database you would like to build your .CSV or Excel file with.

  • Billable 
  • Color Pages 
  • Copies 
  • Cost 
  • Department 
  • Document 
  • Domain 
  • Duplex 
  • File Size 
  • Full Name 
  • Job Comments 
  • Main Project 
  • Mono Pages 
  • Organizational Unit 
  • Page Size 
  • Pages 
  • Primary Membership 
  • Printer Server 
  • Share 
  • Sheets 
  • Sub-Project 
  • Submitted 
  • Total Color 
  • Pages Total 
  • Mono Pages 
  • User 
  • Workstation

4. Filters – Allows you to filter your report by Users, Domains, User Groups, Printers, Page Sizes and Job Titles with many other filters under each option.

5. Schedule – You can schedule a .CSV or Excel file to be set to automatically via emailed or saved to a share.

6. Export – Export data to a file on the spot to a .CSV or Excel file.

7. Refresh – When you make a time change you can click the refresh button to show the change.

8. Detail - See the fields and columns in a detailed format as you add fields.

9. Summary - See the data in a summary format as you add fields.

10. Retract - Retract a print job from the database. This will completely remove the print job history and credit any user or client balance.

11. Page Size - Allows you to view up to 100 print jobs on 1 page.

Client Billing Definition (Premium Edition Only)

12. Change Billing - Change the Client Account of a print job to another Client account creating a credit and debit of their balances.

(Click the image to enlarge)



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