To better understand how Print Manager Plus syncs with Active Directory this article will explain what is happening in the background and how the product works.
If you used Print Manager Plus prior to version 9.0 there are some changes that have been made that speed the interface and allow you to manage your User, Groups and OUs more efficiently.
Print Manager Plus will handle all any orphaned Users, Groups, and OUs for you. Just let it do its job in the background.
Print Manager Plus will start to display items in AD when Users print for the first time. Print Manager Plus will look up the User, Group and OU data and add it to the database. They will start to display on the interface when printing for the first time. Over time you will start to see more Users, Groups and OUs.
I don’t want to wait for Print Manager to sync from AD so how can I import everything now?
Click Here to read the article: How to import Active Directory users into Print Manager Plus.