The Membership Wizard allows you to quickly and easily setup for any Group or Organizational Unit.
The first time you select a User Group or an OU the Membership Wizard will appear. The Wizard can also be run directly from the User Group or OUs Tab.
The Wizard is there to walk through three separate stages of initially settings Balances, Reporting by Group Membership and User Refresh Options.
The Initial Balance set on a User has to be by the Group or the Organizational Unit.
Note: Balances can be set on an individual User, which overrides both the Group or OU Balance.
1A. Double click on the Group you would like to set a Balance on. When you do the Membership Wizard will appear. Groups are already set so click next.
1B. Or double click on the Organizational Unit you would like to set a Balance on. When you do the Membership Wizard will appear. Because we check if a User's OU when they print if they are not part of one they would not get a balance so you can check the box below to give them a default balance from an existing Group Balance. OU are already set so click next.
2A. If you selected by Group this is the next dialog that will appear. This dialog gives you options to set how:
> Primary Group Reporting.
> Source for Group based Rules and Restrictions.
> Deduction of Group Budgets.
> Initial Balances and Quota Updates.
Select from the drop down how you would like this to be sorted and click next.
2B. If you selected by OU this is the next dialog that will appear. This dialog gives you options to set how:
> Primary Group Reporting.
> Source for Group based Rules and Restrictions.
> Deduction of Group Budgets.
Select from the drop down how you would like this to be sorted and click next.
3. The last Dialog to appear in the Wizard is the same for both User Groups and OUs.
> Turn on or off Group and OU memberships refreshes in the background with Active Directory.
> Once a Balance is set should you change all users immediately or don't change them yet?
> Consider disabled users as deleted and orphan them automatically. This is great clean up while refreshes are running in the background.
> Invalidate all memberships and reevaluate initial balances for all users. This basically resets PMP to check users memberships when they print the next time after checking this box. Great for if you just changed things around in Active Directory.
4. Click Finish.
Click Here to read the article "Printing Quotas Overview and Settings."