11 August, 2015
Print Manager Plus Update Released
New Features:
> Searching for Users within Active Directory can now be done by Full Name as well as UserName.
> Full support for Server 2008 R1/R2 Fail Over Clustered Print Spoolers.
> Verified Full support for 2012 R1/R2 Cluster via High Availability Hyper-V.
> Local Node tracking now supported when Cluster services are installed and enabled.
> Tracking of multiple active clustered print spoolers from the same physical nodes are now supported.
> The ability to exclude print jobs from tracking when they contain no content or information has been added. In addition to not being shown in the reports, these jobs will bypass any rules, restrictions, confirmation, authentication and billing prompts.
> Each tab of the Administrator has been enhanced with helpful object counts of what is currently being viewed.
Feature Enhancements:
> Removed Domain specific filters from Reports and History when running within a Workgroup.
> Report Color filter better indicates the currently selected option.
> Improved the sizing of document map for all reports so it is always usable regardless of the number of items being viewed.
> Primary tracking log has been renamed from PMTracking.log to PMTracking_SERVERNAME.log, this assists in distinguishing the server the log represents.
> In the event of a full database disconnect, the Administrator no longer shows a large number of errors and should error and exit promptly.
> User Credit Log report now allows you to select credits or deductions or all balance changes.
> Print Manager Plus 8.0 Data import now runs in 64 bit native mode on 64 bit systems to improve speed and efficiency.
> Improved handling of Terminal Services and Citrix Servers allowing correct end user message to the correct desktop session.
Bug Fixes:
> Resolved parsing column error when importing Microsoft Access databases that were from Print Manager Plus 7.0 or earlier.
> Resolved null GroupOU reference error when importing databases that were originally from Print Manager Plus 6.0 or earlier.
> Report Graphs by Hour, Day, Week, Month and Year now group and display information correctly.
> Title filter for Built in Reports now properly filters result set and no longer requires an exact match.
> Resolved issue with report window stretching very long and crashing on reports with very large number of groupings.
> PMUser object’s DomainName property now reflects correctly for each user looked up via the Premium Settings API.
> Group Import Settings no longer crashes on when viewed on Local Groups.
> Global Billing Prompt options will no longer be visible in Basic and Premium versions that do not support this feature.
> Added secondary check to ensure Service account specified during installation receives the Logon as a Service privilege before it’s started by the Microsoft Installer Service.
> Resolved issue with the formatting of labels on the Environmental Summary Reports.
> Migration of Billing Clients and History now includes correct Billable / Non-Billable options.
> Migrating from Print Manager Plus 8.0 databases with Null, Empty or Corrupt Print Server references will no longer prevent migration.
> Migration shows a more user friendly error message when importing from Print Manager Plus 6 and 7 databases.
> Resolved issues where additional servers and workstation tracking agents would not list their service, or printers within Print Manager Plus 9 after migrating from Print Manager Plus 8.
> Migrating a Print Manager Plus 8 database, with domain printing information will no longer fail when importing to a Print Manager Plus 9 database that is in a workgroup.
> Enabling Session Logging within the Web Portal now works correctly instead of resulting in an error.
> Filtering built in reports by Page Size now functions correctly.
> Printing and Savings Graphs by Hour / Day / Month / Year now correctly display and group information.
> Resolved issue where excluded printers will still display as not excluded.
> Resolved issue where upgrading a secondary server or workstation could prevent the Primary Server from being upgraded.