
1/29/2020 - Print Manager Plus Update Released.

29 January, 2020

Print Manager Plus Update Released

New Features:

> New User Privacy Options: These optional settings can enable the hiding or all Username and FullName information from the product and its reports, and optionally not retain any history by user for high privacy environments.

Feature Enhancements:

> Web Portal Security and Script Upgrades.
> Web Print now allows files up to 50Mb to be uploaded and printed.

Bug Fixes:

> Resolved Monthly Scheduled Report issue when reports are set to manual refresh and always send in custom start and end dates.
> Resolved issue where Invalid Pipe Connections could prevent the Tracking services from running.
> Resolved issue with Maximum Uploading sizes and Maximum User storage for web print documents.
> Resolved issue with special characters in Web Upload Filenames preventing printing.
> Resolved issues with Windows Authentication SSO in the Web Portal.




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