
08/22/2022 - Print Manager Plus Update Released.

22 August, 2022

Print Manager Plus Update Released

New Features:

> Payments now store and keep full history now stored with TransactionID, Payment Date and Time, Payment Vendor, Purchaser\Account Owner Username and Full Name, Last 4 of CC, Subtotal, Taxes, Fees & Total.

> Web Portal History now separates settings, columns and filter for each report type Detailed, History and the new Payment reporting so altering different reports do not affect each other.

> New PDF Language support that includes full color per page tracking of all text, images and shading. Support includes tracking individual PDFs and all PDF versions and PDF Drivers.

Feature Enhancements:

> Improved Settings Interface for Remote Desktop and other similar technologies including Citrix & Terminal Services

> PDF tracking improvements to Page Size, Copies, Duplex and NUP when used as a spool file language.

> Miscellaneous interface enhancements.

Bug Fixes:

> Fixed UI Issue preventing loading of Printer Filters and Exclusions.

> Resolved Duplex and Color tracking for a variety of manufacturers and models to ensure proper tracking for legacy and updated PCL, PCL6 and Postscript drivers.

> Resolved issue where Retracted jobs could still be listed within History and Reporting.

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