
SQL - Secondary Server / Workstation installation cannot connect to SQL instance.

This article applies to Workgroup installations When Primary Server is Vista\Windows7\Windows 8.x

If the primary server is a workgroup workstation and the SQL Express database needs to be accessed remotely a couple items need to be checked. This does not affect Print Client in any way, just when something needs to connect to SQL. i.e. Tracking Service, Admin console.

1) Network Discovery Must be turned on:
By default if the network is already enabled when Home\Work is selected by user for network type. However if the user selected Public as their network, or has otherwise turned off Network discovery no additional servers or workstations will be able to contact our SQL Express instance

2) File and Print Sharing is turned on:
By default this is completely off in all workgroups. The primary server will need this enabled in order for the SQL Express database to be accessible. By default if the user has ever shared a Printer, Folder etc… this will already be on. However its possible they have never shared something, in which case they will need to turn it on.


after the above changes are made restart the installed and complete the installation, if the above information does not resolve the connection issue please submit a service request by click here

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