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Print Manager
Print Manager Plus 9.0
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Active Directory - If I delete or change a Username in Active directory why does it not change in the interface?
Active Directory - I have deleted a Group or OU from AD, but it doesn’t disappear off the interface.
Active Directory - Why can’t I see all my Users, Groups and OUs from Active Directory?
Counting Engine - Copies track as extra pages instead of copies.
Counting Engine - Using a Rule to capture an Erroneous Spool File.
Counting Engine - My Black and White Printing detects Color Print Jobs.
Counting Engine - Print Manager Plus Records my print job but is reporting incorrectly on the number of pages copies or attributes of a job that was tracked and printed.
Installation - Windows couldn't connect to the Internet to download the necessary files during installation on Windows 8, 10, 2012, 2012R2.
Installation - Can't upgrade using the Client Only Installer.
Installation - Cannot Connect to my Existing SQL Database Instance Created by Print Manager Plus.
Migration Wizard - Error 468, Cannot resolve the collation conflict during migration from Print Manager Plus 8.0.
Migration Wizard - Error The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine when migrating from Print Manager Plus 8.0 Access Database.
Print Client - Why do notification pop-up on a different user machine.
Printers - Why are my printers missing or not listed in Print Manager Plus?
Regional Settings - The wrong currency is showing in my Administrative interface or Web Portal.
Services - My Print Servers all report status as 'Unable to Detect Status' or 'Not Installed' even though they are installed and running.
SQL - Application Log is filled with Event 17137, Starting up database 'PrintManager90'.
SQL - Secondary Server / Workstation installation cannot connect to SQL instance.
Web Portal - Browsing the Web Portal results in error: 'The certificate chain was issued by an untrusted certification authority (CA)' when using a Unified Access Gateway.
Web Portal - Browsing the Web Portal results in HTTP Error 401.2 Authorization Error 0x80070005 or an error regarding permissions to view this directory or page.
Web Portal - How can I remove the message "Web portal is being run in Insecure mode?"
Web Portal - HTTP Error 500.19 with Error Code 0x80070021 When accessing WebPortal (Windows 2008 - Vista - 7).
Web Portal - Will not run due to a pre-existing Server with WSUS.
Web Portal - "Invalid Security Headers" when Adding Credit though Web Portal.
Web Printing - Supported Office files types fail to upload.
Web Printing - Upload of Word, Excel or Powerpoint document fails when using 32 bit Office on a 64 bit server.
Web Printing - .COM Exception, Error or website hangs when uploading Excel documents.
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